

L’assessore Enzo Lavolta partecipa in questi giorni al Good Governance Forum in Myanmar, che si concentrerà sul bilancio e analizzerà le riforme nazionali avviate, riflettendo in particolare sui progressi del processo di decentramento e di riforma della governance locale.

Questi rapporti sono il risultato della mappatura della governance locale, uno sforzo senza precedenti a livello nazionale guidato dal Ministero degli affari interni e UNDP per mappare la qualità della governance locale e la fornitura di servizi in tutti i 14 Stati e regioni del Myanmar.

La Città di Torino è impegnata in due progetti finanziati dall’ Unione Europea con la Città di Yangon.

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Sarà l’occasione per presentare il Terzo Forum Mondiale dello Sviluppo Economico Locale

La presentazione dell’Assessore:

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Nella seconda giornata di lavoro l’Assessore LAVOLTA parteciperà alla tavola rotonda sullo sviluppo economico locale


This session will revolve around four key topics of local governance that could inform the future reform priorities and seek input from participants on how to tailor and outline potential scenarios for Myanmar. Four breakout groups will discuss around the strengths and challenges related to:

Regional and local economic development

The session will discuss the local dimension of the economic reform process in Myanmar, assessing the challenges and opportunities to advance local economic development for a broad-based and inclusive economic growth benefiting the population. The session will showcase examples of successful Local Economic Development approaches and instruments in Turkey and Italy that could be relevant to the current Myanmar context. The President of Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) Regional Development Administration will experience of the GAP, a multi-sector integrated regional development project based on the concept of sustainable development. The Deputy Mayor of Turin will present Turin’s vision and instruments for Local Economic Development, present the Decentralized Cooperation partnership between Turin and Yangon, and introduce the 3rd LED 3rd World Forum of Local Economic Development to the Myanmar partners.

o Italy: Mr. Enzo Lavolta, Deputy Mayor in charge of Development, Innovation and Environment, Municipality of Turin – 15 min

o Turkey: Mr. Sadrettin Karahocagil, President Southeastern Anatolia Project (Agency for Regional Development) – 15 min

Introduction: Mr. Johannes Krassnitzer, UNDP/ART Initiative
Session chair: U Aye Lwin, Local Governance specialist UNDP

Questa la presentazione

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